Cookie Policy

A “cookie” is a small data file transferred by a website to your computer’s hard drive. Cohaerentia or its service providers send cookies when you surf our site or sites where our ads appear, make purchases, request or personalize information, or register yourself for certain services. Accepting the cookies used on our site, sites that are “powered by” another company on Cohaerentia’s behalf, or sites where our ads appear may give us access to information about your browsing behavior, which we may use to personalize your experience.

Cookies are typically classified as either “session” cookies or “persistent” cookies:

  • Session cookies do not stay on your computer after you close your browser.
  • Persistent cookies remain on your computer until you delete them or they expire. Most browsers automatically accept cookies by default, but you can usually refuse cookies or selectively accept cookies by adjusting the preferences in your browser. If you turn off cookies, there may be some features of our site that will not be available to you and some Web pages may not display properly.

Cohaerentia websites use cookies to support:

  • retention of your access data, which lets you log in quickly on repeat visits
  • saving your previous choices and providing recommendations for Cohaerentia products & services based on your interests

Cohaerentia & Partners use cookies on other websites to allow:

  • Cohaerentia and our partners to deliver advertisements for products and services relevant to your interests.

You can find information on popular browsers and how to adjust your cookie preferences in the help and support section of your browser.

Cohaerentia usage of cookies conforms to the classification proposed by the European Commision Working Group ex. art.29, available here.